After 6 years of heavy and most satisfying use, and presuming there's nothing wrong with the vent shutting down properly (which is typically a problem), a nearly out of control burn a couple of nights ago with too much oxygen feeding the fire despite the vent being shut down indicates leaks and suggests that I'm overdue to replace door and window gaskets. With the porcelain cast iron finish panel layer over the basic steel firebox assembly, one can't lift off the door to remove it the way one can on some PE models. Consequently it appears I'd need to remove the hinge assembly. However, the side panel on the hinge side covers over the heads of the three bolts of that assembly. One can glimpse them through the crack between the door and the side panel but one doesn't have ready access to those bolt heads. (And while I'm doing that I also want to install a new pin kit as the brass bushing has worn and the door is mildly scuffing the upper edge of the ashlip/apron at the front bottom.)
What is the trick to getting that hinge off?
(BEGREEN are you there?)
What is the trick to getting that hinge off?
(BEGREEN are you there?)