How old are you?

  • Active since 1995, is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.

    We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues.

    We promote the EFFICIENT, RESPONSIBLE, CLEAN and SAFE use of all fuels, whether renewable or fossil.

How old are you? (poll)

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myzamboni said:
Webmaster said:
I think the poll accurately reflects the wood burning populace - I get the sense it is younger rather than older.
55 here - but was just thinking today that I don't feel any different than I did 10 years ago. Sore as heck from some lifting and snowshoeing, but that would have happened 10 years ago too.

Of course, it helps that I don't go to work (off-site) any longer. If I did I might feel older when I got home at night!

Craig, it only reflect the internet using, wood-burning populace that chooses to visit I am convinced that the true demographic is a little older than the poll suggests. Just think of the people in your area who burn but do not frequent this site.

I agree, zambo. I strongly suspect there's an "Internet savvy/familiarity" bias here that tends to skew the data down in age, and that if a real-world sample could be taken the distribution would likely tend toward higher age brackets. My aunt & uncle heated with wood until last year, and they're both well into their 80's...but they've never owned a computer. This poll is just what it is...a small sampling of those of us who both burn wood and frequent this site. Nonetheless, I find it somewhat interesting. Rick
fossil said:
Just thought it might be interesting to get a rough age demographic on us. Rick

I'm getting confused again.
Is this poll for us or for those that don't have a computer?
kenny chaos said:
fossil said:
Just thought it might be interesting to get a rough age demographic on us. Rick

I'm getting confused again.
Is this poll for us or for those that don't have a computer?

I'm hoping to hear from everyone out there who doesn't have a computer. %-P Rick
I am 28 not young enough to know everything anymore.
I am 56 1/2 and happily burning wood almost 100 percent of the time. Have enough split firewood to last at least to 60. From what I can tell in my area the woodburners are older using older bucks and squire stoves with a few OWB's. Most of these guys don't know or care how to spell a computer. I have been burning since we bought this house in 1983. I enjoy all the aspects of burning and besides saving a little on the heating bill, by living in a woods all that wood would otherwise go to waste. Tony
turned f@#&ing;forty last October, Somehow me knees and back are around 70 already though.
Only 24! Am I the baby on the hearth forums? lol
54 and still toting hard wood. :blank:
66+8mo. and loving it.
Just about to cross the great divide into the 40-49 demographic next month, so that's where I voted.
Ahh- what I would'nt give to be 20again; to know then what I know now. Where have I hear that B4? Video rewind to the 80's.........................
Hey, that better not be the Melinda I'm married to! At least she doesn't look anything like the one in the picture...... ;-)

38 here and enjoying the maul swingin' workout!
301 in dog years. That make me feel a lot better about how my joints are feeling.
"Old enough to know better, and still too young to care." Don't care too much for getting older, but the alternative don't do a thing for me currently. ;)
WoodMann said:
Ahh- what I would'nt give to be 20again; to know then what I know now. Where have I hear that B4? Video rewind to the 80's.........................

Well, youth is wasted on the young.
Doug, 51yo
52 ... I was sure I wouldn't see the north side of 30, so everything after that is a bonus.

"Aw, youth is wasted on the wrong people!"

grumpy old man on the porch in It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
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