EJL923 said:If I could give advice to a new burner on how much wood to get for their first year, i would tell them 5 cords. I agree with everyone who says to err on the side of caution, but a lot of people dont want to store a whole lot of wood or even have the money to err on the safe side. Yoy may burn more than 5, you may burn less, but i bet it will get you just about all the way through winter. Take that data, and make sure you have enough for the next burning season.
I found that it is very hard to get ahead with your wood supply, mostly because of three factors. Some dont have the room to store it, some dont have the money to buy it right away, or some dont have the land to cut it. This is my third season, and i am just about up to next years supply. Took me three years to do that.
While there are many extenuating factors -- first year with the stove, size of the home, 24/7 vs. occasional burning, etc. . . . I could definitely get behind this advice overall . . . it's a good ballpark figure. As you say, with that much wood it will either get you all the way through the winter and perhaps leave you with some extra wood for the next year or it will get you through most of that winter.