How much wood do you still have left?

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This WAS top covered and I discovered a leak! Not sure how long it had been leaking but it shortened its lifespan for sure...thats all I was saying...

yeah, leaks will do that. I discovered some leaks in those cheap tarps I used to use years ago and immediately sought out and found some rubber roof take-offs. I then swapped out the crappy tarps for rubber. I caught it in time. Any seams I make sure to overlap enough and place in such a way that water will not be able to run under and onto the wood.
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yeah, leaks will do that. I discovered some leaks in those cheap tarps I used to use years ago and immediately sought out and found some rubber roof take-offs. I then swapped out the crappy tarps for rubber. I caught it in time. Any seams I make sure to overlap enough and place in such a way that water will not be able to run under and onto the wood.
Tarps and mud are a thing of the past
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Somewhere between 3-4 cords of pine, around another 2-3 of assorted stuffs that will be for future years and bringing more home every chance I get. Went and got this load today. I will be doing a BUNCH of solar kilns this summer.


  • [] How much wood do you still have left?
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Out of the roughly 14 cords my woodshed holds I have about 9 cords left. And out of that, I would say around 3 cords is burnable, ready to go. The rest is burr oak that's going to need another 2-3 yrs to dry. I also have close to 6 cords in the yard, stacked on extra pallets and waiting to go into the woodshed. I like to have at least 6 cords waiting in the yard at any given time, and those cords will begin to dry while waiting their turn to go into the shed :)
what does your shed look like?
Somewhere between 3-4 cords of pine, around another 2-3 of assorted stuffs that will be for future years and bringing more home every chance I get. Went and got this load today. I will be doing a BUNCH of solar kilns this summer.
nice - did you scrounge that?
About a cord left between in the house rack and garage of the 4 cord earmarked for this year. Mixed hardwood and softwood.

11 1/2 cord css outside seasoning for future. About a cord of hardwood logs sitting here, tons of softwood logs up north, nearly unlimited supply at a tree service free for the taking 25 minutes away.
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I have more now than at the start of the season. Been cutting dry mullbery all winter.
Have a brother in law that used to sell hedge. He would cut about 100 cords a year.
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nice - did you scrounge that?
Found a guy on craigslist who has a huge amount of wood, he was have a tree service guy dump logs and chips to build up his bank behind his house. Long story short he is now selling the place and cleaning it all up to make it look nicer for perspective buyers. This is the 3rd load I have got from him and I plan on going back many more times. All of this is being given away for free.


  • [] How much wood do you still have left?
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  • [] How much wood do you still have left?
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Found a guy on craigslist who has a huge amount of wood, he was have a tree service guy dump logs and chips to build up his bank behind his house. Long story short he is now selling the place and cleaning it all up to make it look nicer for perspective buyers. This is the 3rd load I have got from him and I plan on going back many more times. All of this is being given away for free.
what a great score!
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I put about 5 cord in my basement for the winter and have about 1.5 cord left as of now, but then I have another 16 cord of oak/ash mix css ready for the next 3 years, and another 3-4 cord of basswood/white pine that needs to be bucked and split yet but most of that will be used as campfire wood or sold as such.
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what does your shed look like?

[] How much wood do you still have left?

4 bins hold nearly 2 cords of wood, the other 4 bins hold around 1.5 cords. This photo was taken in 2019 after I completed the final bin and didn't fill it yet. I have extra 10 ft pallets in another part of the yard that can comfortably hold around 6 cords if need be.
Working from home this Winter made me a full time wood burner for the first time, so I went through vastly more wood than a normal year. Luckily, two years ago I had several large oaks taken down on my property, unfortunately, I didn't have optimal storage for everything, so now all my dry wood is gone. I have 4 or 5cords left, it's just not quite seasoned enough, 20-22%mc oak is hit and miss, some loads light and burn great, others sizzle and sputter and leave too much coals, so unless there's a power outage, I'm done for this season, time to let the Propane take over, and I'll enjoy several more winters of properly seasoned oak at a later time. I enjoyed writing the propane check this year, considering there were two adults and two teens at home all day all winter, a $200 bill for the season was painless compared to a normal year.

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I have about 1.5 cords of nice and dry maple, oak, and ash left. Should be plenty heading into shoulder season here and leave some leftovers for next year.

My goal going into this year was to process enough to get 2 years ahead. So far I have c/s/s 4 cords of mixed hardwoods and the melting snow is giving me access to the remaining 4-5 cords of oak/maple rounds in my driveway that I need to split. I burn about 3-4 cords a year so I should reach that goal this spring!

Now we just hope for no typical March New England blizzards...:rolleyes:
1.5 cords of 24 month css oak (bit of walnut and locust mixed in). Not quite dry enough.

4 cords of 12 month css oak.

7 cords of 0 month css oak.

12 cords on hand in total, but still a couple years before I'll have a properly dried stash.
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Probably 1 cord of downed ash from EAB damages, gotta roll the upright rounds sideways soon ....


  • [] How much wood do you still have left?
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Got about 25 cords c/s/s at this point. Have a little under 1 cord right outside the basement door, left over from the 3 cords I stacked there for this winter. It sits under my deck until I need it.
started season with 1 total cord of Maple, Beech, Red oak...

Ending season with 9 cords of Pin Oak(2) Red Oak (6), and mixed Standing dead White Oak, Yellow and White Pine, and various Hardwoods(1).

Still have 3 dead standing Oak, 1 Red, 1 White, and 1 Pin.
Probably 4-6 cords in those...
Only burned 2 cords this year, so I'm finally ahead for seasons to come.
I load my bulkhead on occasion over the winter. I usually fill it up but starting this month I switch over to just putting a few wheelbarrows in as needed. I have about 1/3 of a cord of this winters wood in the woodshed but I really do not want to keep it loaded with wood over a summer.
I have about 2 1/2 cords left out of the 5 that fit in my woodshed. I think it should be enough, though our shoulder season can last until May. I don’t want too much left anyway because I like to clean out the shed every spring.
Still burning 24/7, allocated 4 - 4 1/4 cords for this burning season, still have about 2 cords left easily, wondering what I did right here, been going strong since November, only one total shut down in Jan to quickly brush the chimney, temps were pretty cold from New Years till now, I'm really scratching my head here.
I have about 1 and 2/3 cords left of good dry stuff. About 4 more cords c/s/s and another 4 or so of rounds in the driveway. I like to keep about 9-10 cords on hand so we're in good shape. I am hoping to get some good splitting in the week with the warm weather while I'm boiling sap!
Down to about 54.5 cord (full) after selling 5 cord last spring and what I burned this winter (~3 cord so far)....have 8 or so bucked and waiting to be split/stacked in spring though. ==c
Well, don't I feel like a slacker for only having 20 cords laying around.....
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I discovered some leaks in those cheap tarps I used to use years ago and immediately sought out and found some rubber roof take-offs. I then swapped out the crappy tarps for rubber. I caught it in time.
I need to cover my wood stacks with something other than plastic tarps. If I may ask, what size and thickness are you using and where did you get them?