People have been asking me how much it costs me to heat my house for the winter. Before gas prices went sky high, it was under $100.
Now it might be $150-200. That includes bar oil, chains, etc... People seem shocked at that number, but I am just as shocked at their cost. A friend told me it was over $1000 a month for heat. That's crazy. I helped him install a wood stove and now his heat bill is a small fraction of what it used to be. He even buys wood from me when I have some to spare. We scrounge wood as locally as we can to save time and fuel and reduce bug/disease transmission.
How much do the rest of you spend on wood heat, all expenses considered?
I dont think alot of solid answers will be garnered in this thread from the average person but I could be wrong.
Most of us dont have access to 'free' wood. BTW there is no such thing as free. Even if you own a sizable piece of land, have your own trees - there's overhead there. Planting trees, cutting down the ones already mature, hauling them back to a saw/split site, all that work to cut rounds, split, stack. There is a SIGNIFICANT amount of time involved with a single cord of wood. There is a youtube video of a guy that shows what he goes through to get a cord of wood from tree > a customer.
FOr me, $200 a cord is VERY MUCH well worth it to me to have someone deliver hardwoods to me. I do have to split a good portion of it again, and then stack it. And then anything that needs dropped on my property, then yea I will saw and split that.
I figured out that Im about .40 cents a piece of wood, considering the price of the wood itself, splitting gas/maint, all the other accessories I buy to burn etc, not to mention pennies a piece for my time if I worked minimum wage rates in 1980.
If I burn in wood stove per day Im at $12 a day. If I use oil heat TODAY Im at $15 a day. Last year, oil won out. This year wood wins out but, oil still is my go to unless Im not busy that day and planning to be home working on my place.
These HUGE differences people are seeing, Id love to know how they are making that happen. If they consider a part time job cutting/hauling free wood, totally free...then well...have at it

. Some will say eh hey I like the exercise or I like the work. Sure, but are there other things you would RATHER do than that? I dont mind and even enjoy at times getting wood into a pile be it from 'free' wood or wood delivered. And I like hauling it in (unless snows on the ground) and having a full set of racks near my door. Looks nice too. But Id rather be doing many other things instead.