If you don't count the 50 acres, the truck, the trailer, the saws, and the assorted tools, gloves, and boots, then I am into my current setup at around $4500. It would have been more but I designed and built the house with the stove in mind.
Since my house is super-insulated, it costs about $500 per year to heat with the high efficiency heat pump. So the payback is lousy. But I hate the "heat" from the heat pump. I'd do it all again in a heartbeat.
RE the value of the time spent on wood processing: It takes me about 24 hours a year to work up the roughly three cords of oak and hickory I burn. Trivial in the overall scale of things.
Since my house is super-insulated, it costs about $500 per year to heat with the high efficiency heat pump. So the payback is lousy. But I hate the "heat" from the heat pump. I'd do it all again in a heartbeat.
RE the value of the time spent on wood processing: It takes me about 24 hours a year to work up the roughly three cords of oak and hickory I burn. Trivial in the overall scale of things.