My stove is an old Defiant Encore over 35yo but it does have a catalyst. I have lookedd at newer stoves but like most things the gov't gets involved with and things that become trendy the prices are pretty high.The reason I asked, is because I still see people using them. The question for you is , why haven’t you switched over to a epa wood burning stove yet.. I will love to hear your feedback on this
I guess it's a lot like the same reason people buy older farm tractors and why older diesel pickups command high prices. Many times it goes back to the old adage of simplest is best. Old stove you light fire and feed it when it needs it and you clean the chimney, simple to understand and operate. Old truck or tractor you start it and run it and change the oil and filters, simple to understand and operate. New truck or tractor lights on dash come on and everyone scratches their heads and guesses at stupid expensive parts including the trained technicians with the expensive tools and equipment.