I think I spend more time moving the rounds around, stacking the splits, and other wood handling than I do actually splitting. i guess i could easily split a cord in an hour or two by hand if I had a stack of rounds and simply tossed the splits aside, but if I take time to stack neatly it takes a lot longer. so for me, the time to split, whether by hand or with a hydraulic splitter, is not the only variable to consider. One nice thing about splitting by hand is that all i need to do to get started is take the maul out of the shed, and all I need to do at the end is put the maul back. If I had to uncover, move, and start up the splitter it would take longer to get started, then I'd have to recover the splitter, maybe move it somewhere, etc. to finish up. The few minutes to start up and put away the splitter might not matter much if I planned to spend a few hours, but i normally spend a half hour here, 15 minutes there, so it is important to me to be able to quickly set up and put away my tools.