I was thinking of the buffer tank acting as a "boiler". If there is a call for heat, circulators will run, drawing water from the tank until a certain tank temperature is reached-something less than 175, let's say 140, measured near the top of the hopefully stratified tank, at which point the boiler would start up and recharge the tank and at the same time,any zones still calling for heat. I can imagine an issue that there could be a point on a cold day when 140 wouldn't be enough and the zones started cooling despite pumps being on. Since this is 120 gallons vs 1000 gallons there wouldn't be that long a wait until the boiler goes on again and starts heating things up again- maybe 3780 btus=108 gal * 35delta T. Perhaps in my "boiler" scenario, the pellet and oil boilers could be designated by the thermostat as second and third stage heat. Or, if the output of the "boiler" was mixed to the ODR curve, you'd be trusting the ODR curve and your goal would be a constant temperature and constant run times of the circulators until that couldn't be supported and a call for heat sent. Maybe that's not the ultimate way to get the fewest starts and stops of the pellet boiler. Just thinking out loud.
Assuming no oil for the moment, two house baseboard zones on zone valves, indirect DHW, the Biowin and the buffer tank: OAT reset scenario:
The house zone thermostats call the zone valves and the zone valves end switch calls the Tekmar reset injection pump comtroller. The reset controller starts the system circ (the Alpha) and the mix demand is calculated, starting the VS injection pump. It will do a trial run and if the header (the buffer tank) the VS circ draws from cannot make the mix demand temp, the reset controller will call the Biowin to fire.
In this scenario I do not see using the boiler return protection feature at this time because the loads are returning to the buffer tank and not the boiler, at a low temp. Return at the boiler is tempered with supply water, but you have to enable the injection pump to get the system to run, and drawing from the buffer tank, boiler return will be cold.
If Windhager rates the Biowin to run without a buffer tank, this is the scenario that would work without the buffer tank. There would be a way to bypass the load circs, zone valves, and use them as a dump zone for the boiler off cycle.
This is a sequence of operation, not a wiring diagram. There are a few things necessary to get everything working, which a controls person would do, based on the final design implementation.
It is not a constant flow system, but you can tweak the reset slope in that direction. Heat is called or not by the inside stats but the reset controller sets loop water supply temp to the demand, which is based on the OAT. The load is on longer at a lower HWS temp and the Biowin has a chance to modulate down and match output to the load..