While the rest of you were sitting around complaining about oil and gas prices, I was investing in oil, and made quite a bit of money.
Me too!

While the rest of you were sitting around complaining about oil and gas prices, I was investing in oil, and made quite a bit of money.
Plastics are a small part of the overall oil stream. One easy way...ethanol to ethylene to polyethylene. Easy Peasy.
I can't predict when to sell it, but unless you need cash right now, you'd be mad to sell virtually any large cap stock unless you had specific information about an individual company in trouble. The big oil companies will be making good profits for decades, even with a carbon tax, and some inevitable middle east crisis. Individual companies may have trouble, but demand will persist. OTOH, if you want to retire earlier than planned, looking at oil company stocks won't get you there. Some "green" energy company with a breakthrough technology might make you rich quickly, but most won't, and if I knew one, I certainly wouldn't be telling.All I want to know from those of who think you can predict where oil is headed (and when) is, can you tell me when to sell my Exxon stock?
easy, but more expensive. why did we get away from glass? cost, right? making car bumpers and water bottles outta corn or sugar cane is going to cost a heck of a lot more than using raw petro. until this is flipped to where its cheaper to make "bioplastics" petro will still be a money maker
easy, but more expensive. why did we get away from glass? cost, right? making car bumpers and water bottles outta corn or sugar cane is going to cost a heck of a lot more than using raw petro. until this is flipped to where its cheaper to make "bioplastics" petro will still be a money maker
. . . . . .
Its sad really, that Fox News and the like have built this image of environmentalism as some liberal world domination conspiracy theory... because at its root true environmentalism is actually a very classicaly conservative idea - trying to preserve the natural world in its original state.
Since the 'can is closed my jedi powers sense a thread lock coming.....
Plastics are a small part of the overall oil stream. One easy way...ethanol to ethylene to polyethylene. Easy Peasy.
Maybe we should make the distinction between environmentalism and militant environmentalism. When you're someone who considers global warming a major problem it's probably not a good idea to compare those who disagree with you to Holocaust deniers. I've always felt that the global warming debate consists of too much politics and too little objective, hard science. We're told by the global warming alarmist crowd that the oil companies and those that question global warming at all have ulterior motives which are usually profit related or ignorance yet we're not allowed to question people like Al Gore and others who stand to make hundreds of millions of dollars through carbon credits and other green measures. Personally I believe that the scientific truth with regard to global warming is severely obfuscated by the politics and special interests on both sides of the debate. In any event I've found that the "plan for the worst, hope for the best," mentality serves us all well when dealing the price of oil or anything else in life.
I dont see where I compared anyone to a holocaust denier (trying to invoke Godwin's law here?) , but the member I was responding to was pretty clear that he considered anyone who had any environmental leaning at all a tinfoil hat crackpot, a group that he lumped in with "liberals" This sounds a lot like the FoxNews party line to me....
Oy. I needed to digest that for a minute. Holocaust Denier? Oh, I see, if I call someone who disagrees with the science of anthropogenic global warming (AGW) an 'AGW denier' I am now also calling them a Nazi? Honestly haven't thought that or heard it before. So, I guess the words 'denial' and 'denier' are hate speech now not to be used in polite company and the 'enlightened AGW disagreers' (hows that?) are now victims? I'll try to remember....
Great for polethelyne.... What about ABS, PVC, Lexan, Delrin, or any number of other very useful industrial plastics?
Im all for more bioplastics.. But Im also a big believer in moving away from oil use as a fuel as much as is reasonably possible to preserve the reserves for use as raw materials in manufacturing.
I think you missed my point by a mile. I did not say nor was I implying that anyone who believes in AGW and uses the word "denier," is actually calling someone a NAZi when when referring to those that do not in believe in AGW. The point that I was trying to make is that there are individuals who've used their "environmentalism" to make ridiculous and totally irrelvant statements about others. Fact: There was a public figure who, in arguing a case for the existence of AGW, claimed that AGW deniers are the same as Holocaust deniers. I was referring to this person (I don't recall who it was but I'm sure a quick google search would reveal their identity) to illustrate the difference as I see it between environmentalism and militant environmentalism. I actually don't believe that most people who call themselves environmentalists and/or care about the environment would make such an inane crass correlation as this person did.
You made mention of Exxon funding disagreer groups. I don't think I've been overly sympathetic to the oil industry in my posts. In fact if you'd just scroll up you can re-read what what I actually said about both sides of the debate clouding the truth. Maybe you'd at least have the decency to admit that their are some prominent, public individiuals beating the AGW drum that are actually not the completely altruistic souls whose only concern is the planet that they'd have us believe they are. The oil companies aren't the only party that stands to make a boatload of cash with regard to this issue and if you think they are then might I suggest that it's you who needs to get out more.
Thanks for the clarification.....really.
I don't think the oil cos are evil. I think they are capitalists, actually pretty good ones (that I invest in), and if you read upthread, you would have a hard time finding anyplace where I demonized them or put ol whippingboy Al on a pedestal. They have seen the light on AGW, if you don't believe in AGW (??) then you appear to be disagreeing with them.
Still, I am going to nitpick your rhetorical device of citing unnamed, uncited 'militant' extremists, who I have personally never experienced or seen. I remember hearing somebody say once (I could prob google it up) that all environmentalists were terrorists who should be rounded up into labor camps.
See how much fun it is?
easy, but more expensive. why did we get away from glass? cost, right? making car bumpers and water bottles outta corn or sugar cane is going to cost a heck of a lot more than using raw petro. until this is flipped to where its cheaper to make "bioplastics" petro will still be a money maker
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