Lots of good advice here and encouraging stories of healing!
I herniated L5/S1 a year ago next Thursday. It has been a heck of a year, but I'm feeling good now! It is a crap shoot on symptoms you get depending on exactly how it herniates as others mentions, but generally the bad ones are slow healing injuries. It's by far the slowest healing injury I've had, but it does heal.
Give it a year & you'll most likely be looking back on the injury & counting the blessings of a working body. Right now a year will seem like ETERNITY to you with the pain you're in, but you WILL get through it.
If I could go back & give myself advice I'd tell me to do whatever I can to manage the pain, to find practitioners of the McKenzie method ASAP, to be patient with myself and my body, and to tell people what you're dealing with. I was amazed how many people have been through this & will tell you their story.
It was a humbling experience last winter while my wife was shoveling the snow and bringing in the wood through the worst winter in many years around here, while I was draped over an exercise ball in the living room. Aside from the pain, the worst part was not being able to pick-up my daughter who was 1 1/2 for a couple of months
I tried some treatments that did little, but what I found worked was:
Acupuncture for acute pain / inflammation early on (later it didn't help much)
A TENS unit to help with acute pain
Slow gentle care from a chiropractor who used near-muscular therapy & not adjustments
After taking it easy for a week or so: Not sitting down. Keeping active & when I stopped, just lying down, kneeling...whatever
Then after 8 or 9 months I was stuck. Not progressing. Pins & needles getting worse in my leg & foot. Almost no range of motion regained. I started taking naproxen (Aleve) again. It had done nothing for me early on, but this time it was the magic bullet. Took the inflammation out & I could proceed with stretches & exercises to regain range of motion and strength.
I'm not saying this stuff will work for you, just to keep trying different things & you'll find what helps you. I wish I'd had an epidural. coulda saved a lot of pain & suffering.
You'll do wood again, not next week, probably not next month, and maybe with a few new tools to help the back
I hope you do OK with the driving. It was all I could do to drive 25 mins to work. I got out of the car like a 90yo man, hobb.led inside & crawled onto a yoga mat in my office to decompress the disk.
Maybe check-out some trucker forums for tips & devices that can help with the driving