Heritage soapstone

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angela mcilwaine

New Member
Feb 2, 2025
I currently have an old Franklin Stove that is vented out the side of my house. It is an 8” chimney. It burns nicely but of course not efficient. Goes thru wood quickly. My husband wants to replace it with a Heritage which is 6” and I am wondering if that will work. My stove currently is in the basement and not very well insulated.
If the draft is sufficient, then the Heritage will work. If the basement insulation is poor to none, then the heat loss will still result in high wood consumption. In that case it might be worth considering a simpler stove with higher output.
Woodstock is a small US company with good support. They have been making cat soapstone stoves for many years. There sometimes is an issue with parts supply like the catalyst for some models, so having a spare is a good idea. Their older models are pure cat stoves and the newer ones are hybrids.

Hearthstone's catalytic stoves are good looking, but they tend to be more complex to maintain and thre are reports that some tend to clog the cat with ash. All are hybrids. Read up in the Hearthstone forum for user feedback.
I was just looking at the same thing today. I got a "cheap" used Woodstock Fireview that needs a lot of work and now am not sure I want to do it and considering a new one. Woodstock seems like a delight to work with and they seem really easy to operate and maintain. I have heard such good things about the stoves too and people love them .

Hearthstone's look nice too and easy to operate with just one lever. And they are nice Vermont company it looks like as well. There is a Hearthstone dealer in town where i live too. I think i like the flue coming out the back of the stove on the Woodstock though for my installation.
The only thing that I don’t like about the Woodstock hybrid soapstone which I am considering is that the front door does not open. Oh also that particular model there is no window wash. What I like is that they have great customer service. Also on that model they have a cooking plate which could come in handy if needed.