Small embers floating is normal. You actually want it like that. Flying pellets out of the pot is too much air, but floating small bits, as they burn down in size and become embers is normal.Chken, I tried your suggestion and turned up the air to stock settings 113 in this case. I am getting several ambers flying around with a low flame. How many ambers are normal?
Ihatepropane, The house is 1800 sq ft. The room where the heater is in is about 16 x 24. We have to keep it about 80 for heat to get to other rooms but that is usually a struggle. Until I started turning down the comb air. We was able then to hold 77 pretty easy.
Thanks again all you have been a great help.
So, factory setting on air is 113? And, you've been running the air down in the 70s and 80s? And, you're at elevation, 2000ft? I'd have guessed you should be running combustion air above the base factory setting.