Help! We have drips of goo running down both sides now, on outside of the double wall pipe where it then piles up in a hard bubble (I had scraped off just prior to pict) onto Blaze King stove. It smell & looks like creosote. Some background & info: The stove (we have the King model for 3200 sf home) & double wall pipe going from stove to ceiling are only about 2 years old. Everything from the double wall up: the triple wall pipe, ceiling box etc, were all installed in 2006. Only issue we had when putting in the new stove & double walled pipe was finding the adapter between the double & triple wall (during Covid). Dealer gave us a very small section of single wall that slips inside & adapts the double wall to the triple wall pipe. Once it is slid inside those, only about an inch of the single wall can be seen from the outside. Everything seems to vent & work well. We are very careful to clean our pipes twice a year & maintain the woodstove regularly as is suggested by manufacturer. We usually burn dried (fresh cut each year but, taken off our logdeck of logs that we had delivered & stacked on our property a few years ago now) redfir, tamarack & mixed with some locust we cut around our property (grows like mad around here) & give time to dry out prior to burning. Because it is about 15' from from stove to ceiling box, we were told by Blaze King dealer that it was a good idea to open up the stove & let it burn hotter for about half hour each day to help warm up the pipe to keep creosote from building up so fast in the pipes, which we do. We are disaapointed & worried qhen we started seeing some creosote goo running down the outside of the pipes. Hoping you guys may have an idea of what may be causing the dripping we are seeing so we can fix it. I included pictures of our set up to help. Note: the chimney on roof stand alot taller but, I was taling that picture from the ground. Any ideas you have to help us fix this issue qould be greatly appreciated!
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![[] Help! We have drips of goo on double wall [] Help! We have drips of goo on double wall](
![[] Help! We have drips of goo on double wall [] Help! We have drips of goo on double wall](
![[] Help! We have drips of goo on double wall [] Help! We have drips of goo on double wall](