Minister of Fire
Probably because of the possibility of ducting noxious gasses or even fire to other parts of the house in case of some problems in the stove area. You MIGHT be able to satisfy code with the proper alarms and safeguards. You'd have to check locallyWhy is that?
I just ordered this for the same purpose as the OP http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002JQ4K1I/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I plan on running a duct from the ceiling of the vaulted sunroom ceiling to the kids rooms. Per my IR temp gun the temp in the sunroom ceiling has been as high as 85* whereas some of the distant rooms are 66*. I figured if this thing can flow 700 cfm than it should draw quite a bit of heat to the two rooms that need it most.