heat loss calculator

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Minister of Fire
Hearth Supporter
Apr 24, 2008
Sussex County, NJ
My computer crashed and I lost my Slantfin's hydronic explorer. I can't seem to find a link to it anywhere. Does anyone know where there might be a download site?
Try this page, it looks like the official link is down. I have it SOMEWHERE if this does not work let me know and i will search my backups for it.

second link

Chuck172, I've contacted Slantfin to try and get hold of this download because I could not locate it online either. My understanding is they removed the original version from their website and put out an updated version available on CD, free to professionals. They then had trouble with this new version and pulled it according to the reply I get from Slantfin a few months ago. I've tried to locate the older version too, but have had no luck. Maybe a site member would be able to provide a copy to you if they have it downloaded as you did. Good luck.

Kris, read your post right after I posted the above. The link you provided seemed to download the Slantfin heat loss calculator perfectly. Thanks. Been wanting for months to use the Slantfin program to check against my other heat loss calculations, as everyone seems to recommend this program.

dogwood said:
Kris, read your post right after I posted the above. The link you provided seemed to download the Slantfin heat loss calculator perfectly. Thanks. Been wanting this for months to use the Slantfin program to check against my other heat loss calculations, as everyone seems to recommend this program.


Cool, let us know if works OK or if it is a newer version. I am downloading now but i have it installed so am not going to reinstall unless there is some major
I tried downloading Kris's link but I can't get past the setup.
Chuck172, I have Windows Vista which will usually aggravate you in every way possible. It downloaded the program, but said it might have to be downloaded again using some other method for some reason if it doesn't work right. I'll try it out this weekend to see if it is functional although it looks perfect on the face of it. I'm hardly a computer expert, but if you think I can email the program off my desktop to you, I will, if it works OK. Maybe its too much data to email as an attachment. I have no idea.

when I downloaded it I got infected with a spyware (releventknowledge)
I downloaded a new malware program and it removed the infection.
I'm not saying its the program I downloaded or an infection in my computer, I don't know for sure yet.
chuck172 said:
when I downloaded it I got infected with a spyware (releventknowledge)
I downloaded a new malware program and it removed the infection.
I'm not saying its the program I downloaded or an infection in my computer, I don't know for sure yet.

Yikes! I would hate to give a link with spyware so I scanned and installed it. It seems to be OK. It does install and run fine on Windows XP SP3 although I THINK
this is a newer version than I had before. Maybe there IS a problem with this version and that is why they pulled it?

Chuck, May I ask what kicked off the spyware alert. ( what antispyware) Now I am paranoid.
The file downloaded fine. When it came to set-up, there was a questionnaire to fill out. I think that is the spyware. It's called relevantknowledge. I got rid of it easily with a spyware program.
I may have been infected prior to the slantfin download so the file itself is probably clean. I think I'll try it again.
I tried to download the program again after cleaning my computer of its spyware. The program downloaded fine. Thanks Kabbot.
E.W. said:
Just wondering if anyone knows if this program will run on a Mac?


Don't know specifically about Mac's, but it will run under WINE on Linux, and I think WINE has a Mac port...

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