heavy hammer
Minister of Fire
Still didn't get real cold temps around 30 but there was a pretty good northern breeze. Any ways the sequoia didn't even have to work I put in three larger chunks of mulberry around 830 temps in the basement around 75 to 80 depending on where you were at. At 745 this morning still getting cat temps around 700 with basement temps where they were at last night I put in one large split of beech, that is all the room I had the mulberry lasted longer than I thought. The summit upstairs kept the first floor between 75 to 80 with just a couple pieces of cherry keeping it fed. A little to warm but after working outside all day I'm cold so I kinda of over did it but getting the house warmed up. The wife did a great job getting both going I just may have gone a little overboard my first couple of hours of being home. Anyways neither stove was even worked in my opinion once up to temp both were turned down as far as possible and did a great job of cruising. I know both will have no problem once I see some real cold temps. If I ran the sequoia a little harder I still believe it would heat the whole house even with these current temps. It just might not be as warm as I want it, I like 75 plus! If we do ever get real extreme cold well below zero and the stoves can't heat as well as wanted I still have a oil furnace, full tank ready to go. I believe the sequoia is a great stove many people in Idaho, Montana etc use it to get them through those rough winters. The blaze King and other larger stoves out there are probably just as good maybe even better. I know that this stove wil heat what you need heated, good luck hope this was helpful. Any other questions I can answer I'll try my best.