I hated to wait this long to purchase my pellets, but I've been so busy and needed to make space in the garage that I kept putting it off. So I finally ordered and am expecting delivery of 4 tons of "Okies" Sunday morning August 29 provided they receive their own shipment of "Okies" this week. Shipment is 3 full 1.3 ton pallets and the few remaining bags loose.
They store their pellets inside and provided you give them room they will place the pellets right inside the garage, not only is my back smiling in anticpation it offered to buy me a beer. :cheese:
P.S. BTU do you think SIB Wood Pellets in Jay Maine will get his shipment this coming week?
They store their pellets inside and provided you give them room they will place the pellets right inside the garage, not only is my back smiling in anticpation it offered to buy me a beer. :cheese:
P.S. BTU do you think SIB Wood Pellets in Jay Maine will get his shipment this coming week?