I'm in my third year with my Harman Accentra-2 pellet stove.It hasn't been fun. When it works... it works. But when it's bad... it's bad. The dealer has tried, but it always goes back to not burning the pellets. The dealer took it out this fall and gave it a through cleaning. I had the pipe cleaned ($225.00). It operated well from Oct. till Jan., then the pellets would fall into the ash container still red. The container would fill up in 2 or 3 days. I cleaned the burn pot once or twice a week. I took it apart, the heat exchange covers, the combustion assembly and vacumed everything. Put it together and a week later it started again. I've been cleaning out the ash container once a week with unburned pellets. Heeeeeeelp. Am I missing something. I also clean out the fines. Thanks, giggs222