New Member
Sorry, it's been a busy weekend. I'm heating about 3000 sq ft, and all of the domestic hot water for 4 people. Last year I burned from September 1st to May 1st and burned about 6 cord. That was a mix of ash, cherry, pine, walnut, and elm, all well below 25%. With the KB, you still have to split everything small, 4-6" diameter and should be seasoned to below 25%. Will it burn wet wood? Yes. Does it smoke more with wet wood? Yes. Does it smoke with wood under 25%? no. Would I buy another? Yes.
6 cord with 3000 square feet and domestic hot water is real good for as long as you had it burning. I only have about 1800 square feet and domestic hot water I want to heat. How often do you have to clean the ash out and clean the tabulators?