brogsie said:Nice job. How much time do you figure it took to split and stack. I'm jeolous.
Aw man, I tell ya, I'm 48 and I didn't do it all in a day, haha. I worked the logs a couple a times in the evening after work, then one Saturday I just went out there with my trusty Poulan and Craftsman chainsaws and cut 'em all up in rounds.
Then I had this Ford compact tractor, and a Brave 3 pt. hitch splitter, but the two weren't compatible, so I had to go get some hydraulic hoses made up, and eventually got the Brave splitter working mighty fine.
The first day of splitting was about 4 hours, then the following day was probably 5 hours, then the very next morning I went out determined to finish splitting, and I'm guessin' that was another 3 or 4 hours, so I'd say 12 hours to split it all, the Brave ain't all that fast but it sure did beat swingin' the maul
The way my brother and I figure it, slower splitter = increased safety, haha!
I bet it took another 6 hours or so to stack it up nice.
A lotta time, but hey, let's see, figure 800 gallons of fuel oil at say, 3.25 a gallon, that's 2600 bucks..... vs. 320 smackers and a bit of labor, hmmmm, no brainer for this old boy