Singed Eyebrows said:
Does being a good neighbor mean that you need to buy off your other neighbor? If giving away your CSS firewood makes you feel good by all means do it. Its one thing to help a friend with a free armload of wood in my opinion & another to give him truckloads of wood. They know where to buy home heating oil & they know where to buy firewood. What if a neighbor comes over & says I'd like to siphen some of your home heating oil out? If a neighbor needed free help all day with a project I'd gladly do it, I'm not giving him my damned firewood though, Randy
Randy, a lot of folks give to worthy causes and tithe at their church. Please tell me if helping a needy neighbor would possibly fall into this category. For instance, rather than me giving to the United Way, would it not be better to see exactly where my given dollars are going? I prefer it that way. What about the family who lost their home? Is it wrong that we gave to them rather than the United Way?
While it is true that Dave's neighbor was probably not in desperate need, we do not know that for sure. Perhaps he really is in need. No matter though because Dave got a great chance to be a good neighbor. He gets paid back. He actually has been paid with the neighbor helping him already. We get the same thing around here. We usually have extra fruit and vegetables which we gladly share with neighbors. One from last year came to pick raspberries and it was their first time. After picking they really wanted to leave some of the picked fruit for us, but we did not need it and that is one reason we asked them to come to pick. Will we ever be paid for those berries? We already have. Many years ago when I was a young lad, this guys father and I were very good friends....and he helped me. That was enough for me and when I learned they did not have raspberries but was looking, I called. Did it hurt me? Could I have used the dollars? After all, those things were selling for $4.00 per quart and they took many quarts. No, it did not hurt; we had all we could use. The dollars always come in handy. Friendship some times is much more important than dollars.