the old Shenandoah uses soooo much wood.....
I am convinced the Keystone will do the job. I considered the Fireview, and it would have worked, too. But I just don't think we need the larger stove. Plus, all our stoves have and have had grates and ash pans. Very, very easy to remove ash. The Keystone having an ash pan was also a factor. I know, lots of burners don't like ash pans, at least reading posts here on the forum, but I really prefer them.
In any case, the area which will be the responsibility of the Keystone to heat is roughly 700 sq. ft. Should do the job. Or, I am hoping so.
As far as 'managing the stove,' not much to it. Very easy to run.

I first bought the Keystone, then began questioning weather it could handle this place when we finally get a real winter, which we haven't for a couple years. So I grabbed an Fv, just to be sure.

Slow recovery of room temp had me doubting the Ks, but my wood was less than perfect, and I now have a better appreciation of the effect of the thermal mass in these walls. Can't let room temp drop too far or I'll have to wait a while for the stove to re-heat the walls. That turned out to be the case with the Fv as well, but it had a little more power to counter with. Both great stoves, but having addressed some air leaks, etc, and having resolved to keep the wall temp up, I'm satisfied that the Ks will handle this place (720 main room, 270 bedroom) in any event. So I have more sq.ft. to heat, but a more moderate climate than you do. I'm sure the Ks will do the job in your situation. I'm already seeing increased output with the dry wood I have now, and I'm more comfortable letting it run out a little bit, instead of being overly concerned about keep the stove temp real low.
Sold the Fv to my BIL but since it's not far away, I can still play with it.

He's already astonished at how much less wood it requires.
Since the Dutchwest days, I've been hooked on ash pans, like you seem to be. A vastly superior way IMO to handle a necessary evil of burning wood, provided the ash disposal system of the stove is good. I only have to remove half the ash from the stove, since I'm not shoveling a bunch of hot coals/embers out of the stove every time. I can dump a load of ash in about a minute, usually without putting on a glove since the pan is not hot. None of this "push the coals to one side, shovel it out, push the coals back again, shovel
that side out, try not to create any dust when transferring from the shovel to the pan/bucket, etc." It's not really all
that bad...and if you like the attributes of a certain stove but it doesn't have a good ash solution, you just deal with it. Luckily for me, a stove I happen to like has it all.

I'll just repeat what all us Keystone and Fireview folks always say....."You are gonna love that stove." begreen brought the Ks to my attention when I first posted here concerning which stove I should get, and I'm sure glad he did.
The keystone is a nice small stove with long burn times. This stove can easily make 12 hours which is remarkable for such a small firebox.
When I get some of this high-octane wood dry, my burn times should rival yours. Effectively doubles my fire box size.

Out in the mountains, though, SteveKG's access to the longest-burning species is no doubt limited....
Welcome to the Woodstock cult.
Ha! I always suspected that's what is was.
Attending, in the words of ddddddden, the 'Stone Temple of the Cat.'