Global warming leads glaciers to melt, exposing more dark soil and boulders, which absorb light and hence heat more than the shiny reflective ice did, which leads to more global warming, regardless of us putting out more carbon dioxide, etc. Or the frozen tundra that is melting, same thing, permafrost melts, trapped methane is released, increasing the rate of global warming. So basically global warming leads to more global warming, even if we all died tomorrow and stopped making pollution of every sort.
The problem is that ordinary people don't understand global warming or its consequences very well, not suprising considering how stupidly many people vote and shop and spend money and things like that. So since it is cold today, they think global warming isn't happening. They don't understand or even know about glaciers melting in the Himalayas and the resulting new lakes being created and building up and making huge flows of icy water that destroy villages, things that like. And if they do, they think they are safe because they don't live by a glacier or the sea.
I used to spend a lot of time on a sailboat in the Caribbean, people there already notice the water getting warmer, coral and other species having a too rapid die-off, etc. In WI it isn't very obvious, except that in recent years we have had some amazingly late first killing frosts, and we all think that is a nice thing. Well, it is nice for us gardeners. But the problem is that global warming seems neither urgent nor applicable to most people, so they ignore it or say it isn't real.
As for the Kyoto protocols, we are one of the few big countries that has resisted going along with it for a long time, most countries we do business with are already on that boat.