I have a stand of sassafras... just cut one up a few months ago that fell recently. Straight as a telephone pole, and similar diameter, maybe a little bigger.
Split real easy.
Smells like rootbeer.
Will probably burn fast, maybe a little better than poplar?
Speaking of poplar, I just cut and split a 6" cucumbertree that got taken out by a big maple that came down in the woods. Stuff was light as balsa wood. Could split it one handed. Guess I'll use it as kindling.
Anyway, I have an entire stand of Sassafras, half of which are dead. I'm guessing they're short lived. I have a ton of volunteers coming up though.
My 4.5 acre woodlot is quite a diverse mix:
Red, Black, Sugar, Silver maple
Beech and Bluebeech/american hornbeam
Cucumbertree understory trees
Tulip Poplar (many 4' diameter, one close to 6')
Tons of cherry, two are 30+" dbh
Just one or two oaks
Some ash
Shagbark hickory
Oh, and I'm new here. My Buck 21 insert will be installed in a few weeks.
Split real easy.
Smells like rootbeer.
Will probably burn fast, maybe a little better than poplar?
Speaking of poplar, I just cut and split a 6" cucumbertree that got taken out by a big maple that came down in the woods. Stuff was light as balsa wood. Could split it one handed. Guess I'll use it as kindling.
Anyway, I have an entire stand of Sassafras, half of which are dead. I'm guessing they're short lived. I have a ton of volunteers coming up though.
My 4.5 acre woodlot is quite a diverse mix:
Red, Black, Sugar, Silver maple
Beech and Bluebeech/american hornbeam
Cucumbertree understory trees
Tulip Poplar (many 4' diameter, one close to 6')
Tons of cherry, two are 30+" dbh
Just one or two oaks
Some ash
Shagbark hickory
Oh, and I'm new here. My Buck 21 insert will be installed in a few weeks.