Feeling the Heat
"Nospill" is the brand Dave's after. I have one and make my family members buy them too. They work the best out of all the cans out there. Swap the tops and DOT even likes 'em. They are taking over the shelves at OPE shops everywhere and for good reason. Thicker cans don't distort with temperature fluctuations, they pour much faster than any other non-vented can, and the spout assembly actually works and holds up over time. Mine is 2+ years old and going strong. I have 2 Blitz 5 gal cans and can't wait to get rid of those f*&^ers.
Should be available at any place that sells Deere or Stihl equipment, or has a Rotary and/or Stens account. Which covers about 99.8% of shops out there.
(broken link removed to (The list of distributors)
(broken link removed) (The dealer locator, by ZIP)
And everybody's favorite .....
I don't know about the can but I sure wouldn't mind putting my hands on no spill Jill's jugs