Before you get drastic and cut holes throughout your house, consider trying a different fan strategy. I had absolutely no success with traditional fans, I tried everything, blowing up, blowing down, mounting fans on ceilings, but the drafts, noise and the clutter would have been unacceptable even if the fans had worked. Then I purchased an almost silent tower fan for our bedroom during the Summer, and when Winter came around I tried it downstairs. The difference was dramatic. I placed the fan just outside the room containing the stove, blowing cold air into the stove. I believe that the larger volume/slower speed air movement from the tower fan caused less turbulent disruption of the warm air high up in the kitchen, allowing hotter air to move up and out in response to the circulation set up by the fan. It's not going to do much for upstairs bedrooms, even with bedroom doors open, but it was so much better than anything I had tried with regular fans.