Well the smell is finally gone. Took 5 break -ins. To say it simply, I LOVE IT! Fired her up last night round 6:15 was 50 deg outside. Knew it was going to upper 30's last night. My wood supply is all red oak so I have no shoulder season wood so I only loaded 3 small splits after she got going. Well that quicky brought the surface temp, ( I have my thermometer above the right hand side of the door and feel I get a good reading there as its a single wall (i think)) up to 700deg. Secondaries cruising nicely. BTW this stove makes some funky secondary fire. Its not like the "classic" burn tubes with fire shooting out. THis baffle has one row of outlets down the center and a row across the front. I creates a very turbulant secondary flame, almost like to outwardly spiraling circles. Well those 3 small spits burned until about 9:00 pm when the surface temp dropped back down to about 350 I loaded in 5 decent splits. Could have fit a couple more but didnt want to push it yet as I'm still learning this stove and the 700deg scared my a little with only 3 splits. I wanted to see what she could do for a decent overnight. at 9:15 it was 75 deg inside 43 outside. Closed the air inlet as far as it would go. (this stove needs that with my draft. (19FT of 6" flex liner with poured insulation on an exterior masonry chimney). Looked like the fire would sustain itself at a nice slow roll so off to bed we went.) Woke up at 6:30 and still 70deg in the house, 38 outside, the stove top temp was 150deg with some coals left over, but the biggest thing was the temp of the bricks. They were not too hot to touch but were very warm. Last year with my DW2500 insert I did not have the poured insulation and the bricks never got very warm. The thermal mass of that brick should release heat for hours today. Then the sun will warm the house and be ready for a nice small fire again tonight. Now all I need to do is bend my baffle a little straighter and see if it makes much difference. Seems this is a verstile little stove, can run it hot with a few splits or cooler and longer filling her up. I know most stoves can probably do that but my DW2500 was so small it could not handle enough wood for the long haul. When it gets really cold I'll bore you all again with another update and I'll wait until that time to post my review. So far so GREAT!
Edit: here are some pictures:
Edit: here are some pictures: