mtcates said:Carbon_Liberator said:Mtcates, I'm amused at the flak you have gotten over how you solved your problem. Frankly it looked pretty straight forward to me. I might have done it the same way except I don't have a bar that long for my saw. Oh, and I certainly wouldn't have used any safety gear, except maybe my glasses and a pair of gloves. Gosh, I must be reckless or something, because that seems pretty tame compared to some of the ways I have solved similar problems.
I'm sure, with your competence level, you were in very little danger. Now perhaps if you had your grandmother up there doing that, I might have to side with some of these guys.
I guess the real problem is posting things like that on the internet where everybody can see (and comment) on what you've done. Perhaps to protect yourself next time maybe just post a little cautionary note something like this.
Apparently now we both are getting flack for this. One thing I can say is the flack is coming from the ones who are not sure of their ability to pull off a stunt like this.
And if you have no confidence in your ability you are surely more likely to get hurt. They should leave the difficult tasks for competent people like ourselves.
".....and, I will love you in the morning...."
More dueling banjos. Can we spell "STUPID" ?
"Stunt" is the operative word.