Yes it probably was, and it was seasoned here 6+ months when I bought 'seasoned' wood.
It all sits outside uncovered in piles, and Im certain that they split it early split/summer, then sell most of it starting in the summer > late winter. And that's what people burn.
The only TRUE seasoned wood option for me is 1 hour away, and they want 900 delivered for a cord of mixed hardwood dry/covered seasoned 2 years. It's their 'wood burning stove' option. Some nice pieces of kindling, then everything is nice and square and ranges in sizes. They stack them according to size neatly. Ive seen their stuff/work, it's really nice....not 900, 600, or even 400 nice.
At $900 a cord it's cheaper to burn oil or propane. Get a few cords of green wood now and it will be ready for the winter of 23-24.