I'm taking your word on the durability of these gloves lukem as I just ordered a couple of pair of the Ansell 97-300 ActivArmr Heavy Labor glove (sight unseen) on-line. I decided to give them a shot as I am tired of wearing through tons of $12.00 leather gloves. Usually the right hand glove wears out way before the left hand glove, which often still has a ways to go.
They're about twice the price of leather but if they last 3 - 4 times longer I'm way ahead of the game. No Menards out this way so I had to order on-line and hope for the best. Should be able to put them to the test in the next week or so (hopefully) as the weather is starting to break around here and I just had a grapple load of hardwood logs delivered last week.
Uh oh...now I have some skin in the game. I hope they work out as well for you as they have for me.
The velcro strap makes a tight fit to your wrists and keeps the sawdust out of the gloves too.