Hi all,
I need help to determine if my Harman XXV is working properly or if I have bad pellets. This is my 4th season with the Harman XXV; over the past winters I have burnt many different types pf premium pellets with about the same results. This season I purchased 3 skids (4.5 tons) of LG Granules from Pelletsales.com back in September. Normally I purchase 1 -2 tons at a time beginning in November, but with the shortage this year and with the price of oil high at the time I decided to take what I could get. The problem I have been having is unbelievably high ash compared to the previuos 3 years. I have already emptied my ash container 3 times and it has over flowed 2 of those times. In previous years I would have emptied the ash container 2 times for the entire winter. I went to Home Depot last week and got 2 bags of some no name brand pelllet I have never heard of and burnt them with about the same reults as the LG's. I am starting to think that my stove has a problem. The only noticeable issue I have with my stove is that the ignitor takes a long time to start a fire. When the stove is scraped and cleaned the time it takes the stove to ignite is ~ 20 - 25 minutes; if the stove is dirty it takes ~ 5 - 10 minutes.
I do not have fresh air intake, but have not had it in past years either. I have my feeder setting at 3.5 or so and have fooled with that a little. Either way what are my options to at least diagnose the problem? Are any of you having issues with LG Granules or is it just bad pellets as a whole this year? Any feedback or ideas would be greatly appreciated!
I need help to determine if my Harman XXV is working properly or if I have bad pellets. This is my 4th season with the Harman XXV; over the past winters I have burnt many different types pf premium pellets with about the same results. This season I purchased 3 skids (4.5 tons) of LG Granules from Pelletsales.com back in September. Normally I purchase 1 -2 tons at a time beginning in November, but with the shortage this year and with the price of oil high at the time I decided to take what I could get. The problem I have been having is unbelievably high ash compared to the previuos 3 years. I have already emptied my ash container 3 times and it has over flowed 2 of those times. In previous years I would have emptied the ash container 2 times for the entire winter. I went to Home Depot last week and got 2 bags of some no name brand pelllet I have never heard of and burnt them with about the same reults as the LG's. I am starting to think that my stove has a problem. The only noticeable issue I have with my stove is that the ignitor takes a long time to start a fire. When the stove is scraped and cleaned the time it takes the stove to ignite is ~ 20 - 25 minutes; if the stove is dirty it takes ~ 5 - 10 minutes.
I do not have fresh air intake, but have not had it in past years either. I have my feeder setting at 3.5 or so and have fooled with that a little. Either way what are my options to at least diagnose the problem? Are any of you having issues with LG Granules or is it just bad pellets as a whole this year? Any feedback or ideas would be greatly appreciated!