In 2015, I paid the following:
R21+ on roof bays (570 sq.ft.): $2340
R21+ on walls (800 sq.ft.): $3040
They charged me an extra $150 to cover exposed joists and another $150 to cover exposed rafters, it's an old timber frame structure that was being finished with these partly exposed. They also had to bring in a generator to power the equipment, since it pulled more than the 60 amps I had available at that location, which cost an extra $300.
They ended up spraying at least 1.5x their min spec, or more, so final job probably averaged closer to R35. I was very happy with the result, but I'd want to do some research before using this product in a basement, where mold could be an issue. My job was in a carriage barn, all above grade.
Doing walls and ceilings would be open cell, lamywaby is doing their basement which would be closed cell and priced at a different rate.