Interesting that the culture seems to want absolute protection from every harm that exists to man... to be 100% safe all the time at any cost. This is neither practical, nor feasible... and I for one do not want to live my life attempting to attain something that is unattainable, not to mention something so deadly to our current economic situation. All this is is an attempt to remove personal responsibility from our lives... which makes for no life at all.
I understand that certain research scientists are now trying to measure into the "parts per billion." Really? Seriously? What's the margin of error on a "part per billion." It's ridiculous... My guess is that the EPA will definitely clean up the air with it's regulations... sure... it's easy... all they have to do is set the bar so high that small business ends up being no business. No business... no pollution right? Yeah... it makes sense doesn't it?
This is not to say that science and technology doesn't have it's place... it most certainly does... but life and freedom are about more than numbers on a spreadsheet or measurements in the parts per billion... It's about INDIVIDUALS living side by side under DIFFERENT economic, environmental, and sociological circumstances. There is no one who can convince me that a monolithic organization like the EPA which ultimately does not and cannot distinguish between individuals is very useful for establishing sound regulation for everyone. What fits for inner city regulations does not fit for cow-town usa... and why would anyone think it should? It's funny how americans tend to thumb their nose at corporate america... and perhaps rightfully so. There is no soul in many large corporations. Employees tend to be just a number... everyone they sell to is a number... and all their spreadsheets revolve around numbers and dollar signs... and yet the EPA, which is embraced by many, is basically the same thing... the only difference is, we don't have a say as to whether or not we buy what the epa is peddling... nor do we have any direct access to them from an elective perspective. It's actually kind of scary if you think about it... a huge bureaucracy with tremendous power that doesn't really answer to anyone. Hmmmm. Kind of like the Fed.
The sad thing is there are tons of really good people that have honest and legitimate concerns for what they believe in..., be it clean air, clean water, or safe highways... what have you... but once these concerns are in the hands of a beaurocracy like the epa or the FMCSA, all individuality goes out the window, and the people who originally voiced their concerns become nothing but a number themselves and ultimately used for the gain of political power and/or money. It's sickening.
On a side note... RAW MILK
. Best stuff on earth!! Now, you wouldn't want to drink raw milk from a modern Holstein dairy cow... in order to increase profits (follow the money... again!!) they have been bread to produce way more milk than god ever intended a cow to produce and in the process they rely on great quantities of hormones and antibiotics just to keep them alive. Raw milk from a modern dairy cow can actually have puss in it which must be separated later on in the "refining process." PA allows the sale of raw milk through certified farms... we purchase about 3 or 4 gallons per week for our family... I grew up on the stuff... and actually have allergies to pasteurized milk..., which really isn't milk at all. Did you know that pasteurized milk, as it ages, actually rots.? While raw milk sours and gives us delicious cheeses and yogurts etc. Some of the healthiest, longest living people on earth live on Yak milk and fresh vegetables. Don't tell me that science is always right... one day butter is bad for you and margarine will save your life... the next day, margarine is made by the devil to be indigestible and butter is the only option. One day caffeine kills, the next day it saves. Has it occurred to anyone that perhaps there's just a little truth on both sides of most issues... and that perhaps, oh, I don;t know... maybe INDIVIDUALS should have some say in how they choose to live?
At any rate... it is my true belief that regulation must exist to be civilized... I said that before... and I stick by it. But I also know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the over-regulation that is running rampant in our country these days is taking us one direction, and it's not up. Many times regulation is used to move technology forward... to bring new and better products into the forefront of our market. This is fine if the market can support it... right now..., it can't... and the very thing we need to be able to support these new regulations (a robust economy) is actually being attacked by them.
Just my $.02.
I understand that certain research scientists are now trying to measure into the "parts per billion." Really? Seriously? What's the margin of error on a "part per billion." It's ridiculous... My guess is that the EPA will definitely clean up the air with it's regulations... sure... it's easy... all they have to do is set the bar so high that small business ends up being no business. No business... no pollution right? Yeah... it makes sense doesn't it?
This is not to say that science and technology doesn't have it's place... it most certainly does... but life and freedom are about more than numbers on a spreadsheet or measurements in the parts per billion... It's about INDIVIDUALS living side by side under DIFFERENT economic, environmental, and sociological circumstances. There is no one who can convince me that a monolithic organization like the EPA which ultimately does not and cannot distinguish between individuals is very useful for establishing sound regulation for everyone. What fits for inner city regulations does not fit for cow-town usa... and why would anyone think it should? It's funny how americans tend to thumb their nose at corporate america... and perhaps rightfully so. There is no soul in many large corporations. Employees tend to be just a number... everyone they sell to is a number... and all their spreadsheets revolve around numbers and dollar signs... and yet the EPA, which is embraced by many, is basically the same thing... the only difference is, we don't have a say as to whether or not we buy what the epa is peddling... nor do we have any direct access to them from an elective perspective. It's actually kind of scary if you think about it... a huge bureaucracy with tremendous power that doesn't really answer to anyone. Hmmmm. Kind of like the Fed.
The sad thing is there are tons of really good people that have honest and legitimate concerns for what they believe in..., be it clean air, clean water, or safe highways... what have you... but once these concerns are in the hands of a beaurocracy like the epa or the FMCSA, all individuality goes out the window, and the people who originally voiced their concerns become nothing but a number themselves and ultimately used for the gain of political power and/or money. It's sickening.
On a side note... RAW MILK

At any rate... it is my true belief that regulation must exist to be civilized... I said that before... and I stick by it. But I also know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the over-regulation that is running rampant in our country these days is taking us one direction, and it's not up. Many times regulation is used to move technology forward... to bring new and better products into the forefront of our market. This is fine if the market can support it... right now..., it can't... and the very thing we need to be able to support these new regulations (a robust economy) is actually being attacked by them.
Just my $.02.