GarryP said:doghouse said:Every forum has characters like him. Just remind him that its a long fall off a high horse. It would seem to me that you shouldn't have to be an Electrical engineer to own and operate your pellet stove. You should not have to go around testing this, measuring that or running diagnostics on things just to get your stove to work. Having that many auger moters go bad on you seems to me like something the stove manufacturer should oun up to. Keep plugging, its the only way.
I have to disagree that his problem sounds like something the stove manufacturer needs to own up to. If there were multiple people with multiple failures in their auger motor I may agree, however there are hundreds of Englander owners on this very site, and only two or three seem to be having problems, and only one that I have seen has been through four motors. Now, this person also points out that the real problem is a design flaw in the motor, and if Englander would only work with him, he would help them to solve it. My guess is if it were a design flaw, there would be many more of us with problems.
Secondly, there are a great many post on this site from people who go on and on about the quality of service they have recieved from Englanders customer service department, yet this same person also has problems with their customer service. In fact his statements of the problems he has had with them are so far off the charts from everyone elses experience, that it again leads me to believe that jusy maybe he is the reason for the problem.
And lastly, do you really think that he just somehow, out of the hundreds, if not thousands of customers that they deal with, got 4 bad motors sent to him, and the most absurd customer service I have ever heard of? The theme I see between his experiences and almost everyone elses, is him.
Every 7th or 8th post on this site is an Englander owner with some sort of problem to his or her stove (two or three having problems?). Most get resolved, some, like his, don't. How many pellet stove owners out there get bad customer service and don't know this web site exists so they can vent? We only know the experience of those who log-on here. Regardeless, nestoveowner came here hoping to find answers. Most offered sound advice, some challenged his intelligence. Four auger moters go bad? You know its possible. Maybe 4 auger moters is the symptom, not the problem. NEstoveowner surely doesn't need me to defend him and yes, we do only have his side of the story. "..most absurd customer I have ever heard," yea, it happens and not everybody thinks its all his fault.
Englander stove owner.