I split by hand a sledge and wedge.With Elm I use four wedges because Elm will suck up a wedge.It's the best wood I know for a great workout.I was driving by the a farmers homestead Saturday, and had to stop when he and another guy were butchering up an elm tree alongside the house. I found out that neither one wanted the trunk, or any wood larger than five inches in diameter. I ran home, hooked up a trailer, grabbed a saw and one of my sons to help me load, and withn an hour added these rounds to the pile. They're the light-colored rounds below. The farmer let me know he was taking out twelve more big elm trees, 20-28 inch trunks, along a fenceline (I can drive right up to them on the access road), and I could have everything on those bigger than 5in dia. I like how elm burns, but man is it a bugger to get split. I was wondering how many other folks here split and burn elm, and if you all know any tricks of the trade to make elm easier to split, I am all ears.