I want to keep you abreast of current problems, that have surfaced in discussions on Hearth.com. Although not the stoves manufactured at your facility, the image and qc issue is equated company wide, including the Dutch West stoves. Posted are very damaging pictures, where structural welds have failed ,concerning two separate DW 25000 inserts.
One is so bad,the firebox dropped 1.5” hitting the hearth. Compounding the negative response is another damaging John Davison correspondence, that has been posted.
The response posts are not just other consumers, but the very dealers you spent all the money in Reno to attract. Some have voiced reluctance to picking up your line of stoves or now are having second thought. When you read through the post you will see how the negativity has snowballed out of control. Right now all are waiting to see if CFM is going to step up to the plate. Everyday issues that are left unresolved, opens up the door for further image damage.
In the past I have recommended to you and Vermont castings to monitor the Hearth.com forums create a presence and be proactive promoting qc and customer relations.
I would highly recommend some one at CFM post a response concerning these current issues and reassure, that they are being looked into and that they will be quickly resolved.
Might I remind CFM, 2.5 million visitors find Hearth.com every year. Having negative damaging pictures and post, does little to enhance your image, or instill confidence to the buying public?
I want to keep you abreast of current problems, that have surfaced in discussions on Hearth.com. Although not the stoves manufactured at your facility, the image and qc issue is equated company wide, including the Dutch West stoves. Posted are very damaging pictures, where structural welds have failed ,concerning two separate DW 25000 inserts.
One is so bad,the firebox dropped 1.5” hitting the hearth. Compounding the negative response is another damaging John Davison correspondence, that has been posted.
The response posts are not just other consumers, but the very dealers you spent all the money in Reno to attract. Some have voiced reluctance to picking up your line of stoves or now are having second thought. When you read through the post you will see how the negativity has snowballed out of control. Right now all are waiting to see if CFM is going to step up to the plate. Everyday issues that are left unresolved, opens up the door for further image damage.
In the past I have recommended to you and Vermont castings to monitor the Hearth.com forums create a presence and be proactive promoting qc and customer relations.
I would highly recommend some one at CFM post a response concerning these current issues and reassure, that they are being looked into and that they will be quickly resolved.
Might I remind CFM, 2.5 million visitors find Hearth.com every year. Having negative damaging pictures and post, does little to enhance your image, or instill confidence to the buying public?