I'm purchasing a pellet stove which has 2 additional 80mm ducks at the rear with separate fans which can be managed independently from the fan on the unit.
The idea is to duct 2 pipes into the basement (it's level with where the stove will be), one duct will go into 2 rooms on the ground floor via floor grills. The second will go up to the first floor via a service channel where waste and electric cables route from the floor above.
I'm struggling to decide what kind of pipes I should use to move the air from the stove to the rooms - maximum temp 80 degrees
Option 1 - https://www.ventigo.fr/fr_FR/p/tuya...n-thermique-acoustique-ø80-mm-10-metres/7056/
Not too keen on this as there's no rigidity and I can see it being crushed - very rough interior, surely this would affect airflow?
Option 2 - https://www.ventigo.fr/fr_FR/p/conduit-rigide-galvanise-ø-80-mm-longueur-1-5-metre---galvanise/1960/
I like this as it solid and smooth inside and comes with nice air-tight fittings, elbows etc. Just not sure how hot it will get - does it need an external insulator like Option 1
Option 3 - https://www.ventigo.fr/fr_FR/p/tuya...inium-diametre-80-mm-longueur-1-5-metre/6174/
Similar benefits and downsides as option 2 - but connectors not as good although probably will require less as it's flexible.
Any suggestions or opinions please either on the pipes or ducting in general
I'm purchasing a pellet stove which has 2 additional 80mm ducks at the rear with separate fans which can be managed independently from the fan on the unit.

Poêle à pellets à canaliser CADEL Atena Plus 12 Puissance 12kW A+
Poêle à pellets canalisable Cadel Atena Plus 12 Puissance 12kW Dim. 58 x 114 x 58 cm Rendement 90% Classe énergétique A+ Livraison gratuite. Garantie 2 ans
The idea is to duct 2 pipes into the basement (it's level with where the stove will be), one duct will go into 2 rooms on the ground floor via floor grills. The second will go up to the first floor via a service channel where waste and electric cables route from the floor above.
I'm struggling to decide what kind of pipes I should use to move the air from the stove to the rooms - maximum temp 80 degrees
Option 1 - https://www.ventigo.fr/fr_FR/p/tuya...n-thermique-acoustique-ø80-mm-10-metres/7056/
Not too keen on this as there's no rigidity and I can see it being crushed - very rough interior, surely this would affect airflow?
Option 2 - https://www.ventigo.fr/fr_FR/p/conduit-rigide-galvanise-ø-80-mm-longueur-1-5-metre---galvanise/1960/
I like this as it solid and smooth inside and comes with nice air-tight fittings, elbows etc. Just not sure how hot it will get - does it need an external insulator like Option 1
Option 3 - https://www.ventigo.fr/fr_FR/p/tuya...inium-diametre-80-mm-longueur-1-5-metre/6174/
Similar benefits and downsides as option 2 - but connectors not as good although probably will require less as it's flexible.
Any suggestions or opinions please either on the pipes or ducting in general