New Drolet Savannah II installed and been running since the beginning of January. Everything was good for the first month +. Last week I noticed a significant change in draft. Was getting a bit of smoke back drafting when opening the door and I'd have to really baby a fresh start or even a new load. I suspected the chimney cap screen was clogged. Yesterday I got up on the roof and it was pretty dirty. Cleaned it off and I don't seem to be having the smoking anymore and it pulling good when rolling. What I've noticed though is I've still got an issue with a new load after a load burns down. I can throw a single piece of 15-20% oak or maple on the coals. Small split. 3" approx. Close the door and it will ignite but slowly and not fully. Crack the door and it takes off. Get that piece flaming good, close the door and it putters down to staying lit but not taking off and this is with damper wide open. If I baby it(cracking door, closing door) i can eventually get the log or new load to go good. Seems something is missing or something changed when reloading though. It just won't take off unless I baby it. Obstruction in chimney or stove? First month all good. Month and half in and it's definitely not burning like it was. I thought the vents were in the front but after looking under stove vent is towards the back. Does it channel from back to front? Directions say to rake coals to front of frustrated. Wasn't expecting issues after 1.5 months on a new stove.