btuser said:
You only lose about 10% through the walls. It's not worth the money. There's an argument that your wasting money when it comes to 2x4 vs 2x6. The whole point was to have 2x6 walls 24" on center but everyone builds 16" on center so you're gaining very little.
Re: 10% loss through walls. I've heard that a lot and I am ... skeptical. Yes, I know heat rises. I would like to see some actual data on this - can anyone point me to some? In any event, the elephant in the room is always windows and (to a lesser extent) doors. The very best windows on the market have insulating values of r 2 or so, and very few have coatings to reflect ir back into the house, so even more heat is lost to direct radiation through the glass. I think the heat losses through conventional windows and doors are far higher than most people suspect - again, I'd like to see some data if anyone knows of any.
I built my house (southern Missouri) with 2X6 walls on 24" centers, r19 batts, with standard chipboard sheeting and an overlay of 1" foam panels. I estimated the extra cost of the 2 X 6 walls to be something less than $400 - more expensive studs, but fewer of them. Keep in mind you only use them on the outside walls. With the drywall, insulation, sheeting, foam, and exterior siding, I must have just a bit less than r 30 at the cavities. I also chose smaller and fewer windows. We can see out, but I have no 16' atrium windows or anything silly like that. The attic is r 60 - 70.
We have 2600 sq. ft. over a full walkout (but unfinished) basement, are all electric, and on a well so I pay to pump my water. I also have a 2200 sq. ft. shop which I air condition (humidity control). My total consumption last year was just under 13000 kw. By far most of that was in the summer months as I heat with wood all but 8 weeks or so in the winter and spring.
Back to windows: I have just recently got to work on doing something about the widows. I have put up single cell thermal blinds in all but two windows. We shall see. For a more significant effect I may add insulating, close fitting drapes.
We could do better, but as pointed out in some other posts the return on investment gets pretty poor pretty quick.