smilejamaica said:
im glade ctpellet in Torrington will be selling them .now i know who i should get them from . well anyways i wont be buying new england low heat pellets again and will be buying the okies again .some webmaster that thinks this is the best way to fix his problems . that mighty dollar
I had a good chat with Scott this weekend. Was surprised Scott picked up the Okies(I had to ask why). Scott said Doug gave him a deal on a large order and he will pass on to the peeps. I think he said $240/ton on the early buy price.
Not sure if I should post it, But that's what he said. Cheapest I have heard Okies in New England besides Squires lumber(too far to travel). Scott will move them at that price! BT might have been a little jealous of the price Scott got, But the bigger the order the better the deal, Like buying in bulk!
Another thing is look out for the Barefoots/Turmans/Hamers this season. Looks like they are struggling to get fiber so supplies might be a little tough to get later this season. FYI from the grape vine.
IMHO. Foul smelling pellets were from being storied outside and got wet. It will happen to any pellet if storied improperly!