Don't buy bunnies for Easter (my annual plea)

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And why did it cwoss the woad?
We always had rabbits for Easter. They usually volunteered after gorging themselves on our spring crops. We ate venison for Christmas, too.
As far as pets are concerned, stuffed toys are just as welcome, IMO.
Also, please don't buy children fuzzy chicks or ducklings for pets, either.
Be vewwy vewwy quiet...
firebroad said:
We always had rabbits for Easter. They usually volunteered after gorging themselves on our spring crops. We ate venison for Christmas, too.
As far as pets are concerned, stuffed toys are just as welcome, IMO.
Also, please don't buy children fuzzy chicks or ducklings for pets, either.

We have 50 delicious fuzzy chicks coming just in time for easter. Of course they will leave for freezer camp after 7 weeks. We have a friend who teaches and every year she scrambles to find the chicks that the class hatches a home. I am surprised that people take such a careless approach to animals.
JDC said:
firebroad said:
We always had rabbits for Easter. They usually volunteered after gorging themselves on our spring crops. We ate venison for Christmas, too.
As far as pets are concerned, stuffed toys are just as welcome, IMO.
Also, please don't buy children fuzzy chicks or ducklings for pets, either.

We have 50 delicious fuzzy chicks coming just in time for easter. Of course they will leave for freezer camp after 7 weeks. We have a friend who teaches and every year she scrambles to find the chicks that the class hatches a home. I am surprised that people take such a careless approach to animals.

EXACTLY! Once the thrill of getting the critter has passed, the animal is left to be neglected or abandoned.
AP- does your rabbit roam around the house during the day? I did not know you could litter box train a rabbit. Neat to see dog and rabbit co-habitating with a person peacefully.
Delta-T said:
AP- does your rabbit roam around the house during the day? I did not know you could litter box train a rabbit. Neat to see dog and rabbit co-habitating with a person peacefully.

Our house is not rabbit proofed. It's a log home, so that would be very difficult. The rabbit owns most of the basement and we bring her upstairs when we're home. The dogs sometimes want to play a bit too much like dogs with her. I've seen house rabbits that play chase with dogs or cats and love to cuddle together. The rabbit loves it when Chloe kisses her ears.
Adios Pantalones said:
kenny chaos said:
We sold/ate a lot of briar beef back in the day. Try it, you'll like it, and teach your kids where meat really comes from.

While I wouldn't do it now that I've had them as pets, I have less of an issue with it. I have a problem with neglected pets

You pretty much described my parents and how they treated pets . . .

Dog was left outside on a chain in a doghouse and only brought inside the garage on those wicked cold days.

Cats were left outside and were never spayed or neutered and the only time they went to the vet was when they had to be put down.

Rabbits were left in a hutch outside.

Needless to say my view and opinion when it comes to the care of a pet is quite different from those of my parents . . . I wouldn't go so far as to say they're like children to me, but they're darn close.
My younger siblings always wanted pets dogs/cats/rabbits and my folks always caved.
Older brother and I always ended up being responsible for litter boxes, cleaning dog doodoo, and digging out snow to get to and clean rabbit hutch,water and feed the things.

Of course there was always a steady supply of cute bunnies from my aunt and uncle who kept Lady Schaffer, Lady Busch, and Michelob (all named after the beer boxes they came in) together.

The last one we had was Thumper. During a 3-day blizzard in the early 90's I had little time to get to the cage with 6-8ftft of drifts and spending these days plowing and shoveling for my grandfather, he got neglected.

Well older bro's Biology teacher gave extra credit for roadkill(disection/taxidermy nut) Thumper lives on, I assume, as finely a stuffed cotton tail in her lab.
I've considered leaving my wife outside in a crate overnite a few times....but our cats can't cook, or do dishes. Without opposable thumbs I fear they'll never overcome those hurdles.
Why did the rabbit cross the road?

He was attempting vehicular suicide after being told yet again that Trix are for kids!! :lol:

Delta-T said:
I've considered leaving my wife outside in a crate overnite a few times....but our cats can't cook, or do dishes. Without opposable thumbs I fear they'll never overcome those hurdles.

Only Easter "pet" Dad ever bought was a kinda red tinted chick for my sister. He knew better. Before we left the farm we raised chickens for years. Guess little sis just kept bugging him. Well, it did what chickens do and grew. One Sunday we went for the afternoon drive and he put the chicken under a wire milk crate with a rock on top of it until we got back. Coming home the minute we turned into the development I spotted white feathers with tinted ends here and there in yards.
BrotherBart said:
Delta-T said:
I've considered leaving my wife outside in a crate overnite a few times....but our cats can't cook, or do dishes. Without opposable thumbs I fear they'll never overcome those hurdles.

Only Easter "pet" Dad ever bought was a kinda red tinted chick for my sister. He knew better. Before we left the farm we raised chickens for years. Guess little sis just kept bugging him. Well, it did what chickens do and grew. One Sunday we went for the afternoon drive and he put the chicken under a wire milk crate with a rock on top of it until we got back. Coming home the minute we turned into the development I spotted white feathers with tinted ends here and there in yards.

Damn those wild milk crates! Just where was it from??? I'll bet it wasn't a tame one and trained like Dennis's milk crate!
But they taste so good.
My sister has well-cared-for rabbits. I had 5 trees cut down on my property this week and one of them was a dead alder that was hollow in the center. The bunnies like to have tunnels so I cleaned up a couple of rounds and delivered some tunnels this morning.
(broken image removed)
(broken image removed)
Last I heard, one bunny had moved out of her bunny house and into a log, and the other was in her's eating apple slices.
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