After many years of "experience" I'll project that the lack of mfg reps making direct comments on this or any open/blind forum may be linked to one of the oldest professions on the earth - lawyers. I feel certain BKVP knows well the limits of advise he can make as an "expert" (which he truly is in relation to BK products). It is a sad testament that people can not freely offer advice to an audience (regardless of how select the people are); but some learn quickly that expert/perceived expert advice can have dramatic consequences when, regardless of all the best intentions; someone on the receiving end messes up. ie: what I said is not what you understood.
I wish there was a way for all the reps that could/would respond on this forum be held harmless legally; then possibly more would chime in.
That's just my old age, hard knocks learning observation and it is not necessarily correct.
I wish there was a way for all the reps that could/would respond on this forum be held harmless legally; then possibly more would chime in.
That's just my old age, hard knocks learning observation and it is not necessarily correct.