Minister of Fire
I'm not so concerned with the price of parts. Way I see it, if the company is profitable, they can build and develop new equipment, take the M55 for example... Should be no surprise that NOW Harman is making an upgrade to the Accentra. The Accentra has been the staple of fireplace inserts for almost 10 years and is their #1 selling item. The only competitor was the Mt Vernon which is also HHT... So until the M55 there is not much incentive. Mark my words...the M55 will knock the Accentra out of place, including the 52i. HHT is gong to enjoy slower sales. The bigger they are the harder they fall!
Sounds like someone who may be selling Enviros....lmfao
I do agree that the M55 is a better product IMHO, but the Harman following and reputation is very solid and it will be a formidable challenge.