So, I spent another 30 seconds on Google with this, and yes... of course it's toxic in the concentration used in a car. We all know that, but the question is whether it is a problem when poured into a septic or municipal waste system, where plenty of other toxins (drain cleaner, laundry detergent, etc.) also go. Being "toxic" is not of any relevance, when talking about a septic or municpal waste system.
So, I include the term "EPA" in my search criteria, as they usually have the final word on any such thing. Each of their references to automotive antifreeze are very ambiguous, stating "many sewage treatment agencies discourage or forbid wate antifreeze disposal into sanitary sewers." When I see an official entity like the EPA use words like "many" rather than "all", and include "discourage" rather than simply "forbid", I know that the jury is still out on this.