Last year I was going to make one of these, but couldn't find any Tanglefoot before the season ended for these flying SOBs. On Monday, this year's first brood showed up looking for fresh meat (i.e. me). They're earlier this year than ever before. Maybe February next year? So I threw one of these things together in an hour or so, and headed outside to give it a try. The first one approached, making the noise that sounds like someone cutting a piece of pipe with hacksaw. I was instinctively doing the flinching thing, but told myself to just hang in there and give it a shot. All of a sudden, the buzz-saw noise turned into ...... NOTHING. Took off the hat to look, and the scoreboard said: Humans-1 Deerflies-0. Oh Happy Day :cheese: :cheese:. After a couple of hours the score was 10-0. If you want to terminate these little messengers from Hell, and don't care if people are laughing at you, get one of these things done (a different hat is recommended for the NY metro area). If you build it, they will come :lol: