Bspring said:Coach B said:billjustbill said:More cold is heading here Friday night with 20 degree weather, but the real mess is comining in Jan. and Feb....
Stay warm,
Dixie boys, it looks like we are in line for some more Yankee type winter temps developing in the next couple of weeks. The long range models are showing the Arctic Polar Vortex to dump some more real cold down our way. This may not be a good winter to figure average wood least as compared to the last couple of warm decades. Who knows if or how the weather will all unfold, but I'm reading comparisons to Jan 1985 and winter 1977 as examples. We may be heading into a longer term colder weather cycle. These real cold winters are why I love woodburning.
Bring it on! I am several years ahead (at least I think I am).
Dang it Bspring, you beat me to it. That's what I was going to say. I have several years' worth saved up as well.