Just a random factoid. When I bought my house it had an old 100A breaker box, which I upgraded to a 200A box when I put in my HP.
some observations:
1) before (100A), no dimming lights, afterward (200A) lights blinked when the HP kicked on.
2) my transformer is >1/4 mi away away serving 10 houses or so.
3) I expected the aerial lines to get upgraded by the utility...nope. The utility uses one gauge for residential.
4) My wiring up to the weatherhead was replaced and upsized.
I was kinda miffed about the blinking, and some hard starts on the HP, kinda thinking along the lines of Joful, how do I fix this???
--The crimp connectors tying my wires to the utilities wires at the weatherhead were done incorrectly and/or with substandard parts. One leg had a weak connection.
--this was discovered (4 years later) when half of the circuits in my house 'browned out', while the other circuits were 100%. The dead side was getting some power through unhappy 240V loads....
--I diagnosed the problem (one leg disconnected, on the grid side of my box), and after explaining the problem to the power co (like 4 times, since they don't expect such info from a homewowner), they sent out a guy who had it diagnosed and fixed in ~5 mins, free of charge (since he agreed to call the connector part of the utilities equipment).
--two new solid connectors...no blinkies. EVER.
Bottom line: Joful, you could just have 1 or more weak connections between the grid and your house. Not too hard to find for a person with the right equipment. Instead of calling the co asking for a new transformer, you could complain that you are getting intermittent brownouts (perhaps an exaggeration) and you need them to inspect their connections.
At the very least they can measure your voltage at your box, and at the wires on the street....if they're different...you have a weak connection. If the street voltage is low....then maybe they need to add a transformer.