Emerald Ash is just getting here, but it is going to make a mess of my woodlot. I have a lot of ash. Until now, most of the ash I take for firewood are simply mature. At some point, especially in the very wet parts of the woodlot they rot from the bottom and come down in windstorms. Go up 5' and they are solid as Sears. That reference really doesn't work very well anymore, does it.

With the borer here, I will have a lot more ash in my future, but that is OK. It is good fire wood and usually the branches keep it off the ground so I have a few years to get to it.
I'm old enough to have been around in the 70s when Dutch Elm disease killed off most of the elm trees here in Wisconsin. My grandpa burned a lot of it. For the most part I think it killed off all of the mature elm trees and then, when the trees / food were gone in must have disappeared. Until recently. In recent years I have been cutting elm for firewood. A couple of seasons back I took down a huge one, at least as big around as my 18 inch saw bar. I counted the rings and aged it back to 1972.
I think that the elm saplings must have survived the Dutch Elm disease. Maybe Dutch Elm went dormant, or disappeared all together when the mature elms were dead. The saplings that survived back then are now dead from a second round of Dutch Elm, and are now heating my house.
I wonder if the ash trees will see something similar?!