Dad always said, "Never burn pine in the woodstove!"

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You know why God made Pine easier to split and lighter to carry? Because you have to split and carry more of it to make it through the winter, and because he wanted Colorado to be a great place to retire, so it had to be easier to gather the wood in your old age.
the thing i don't like about pine is the branches are all pokey, especially when the guy cutting them leaves them at around 6" sticking out.... they are good to put down on the bottom of the pile to stop everything else from rolling off!

I have a mix of pine, and last year when i was scrounging it was really nice to be able to find some pine that was nice and dry to be able to burn. in fact, it was probably the driest thing that went in the stove last year!
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I burn pine and hemlock in the shoulder season. Just make sure that the moisture content is low. Great for a quick hot fire....
i heard that a good way to clean pine sap off your hands, face, etc is to rub dirt on it.
Well I don't know about the dirt cleaning the pitch off, but it does a wonderful job of allowing you to not stick to everything you touch Although if you have a significant other they do tend to get a bit testy about the various strange prints that develop in traffic areas.
Well I don't know about the dirt cleaning the pitch off, but it does a wonderful job of allowing you to not stick to everything you touch Although if you have a significant other they do tend to get a bit testy about the various strange prints that develop in traffic areas.

i think someone should try it... pics or it didn't happen right?
i heard that a good way to clean pine sap off your hands, face, etc is to rub dirt on it.

It definitely does help. It coats the sap so it isn't sticky, and if you're aggressive scrubbing the dirt around, it will ball up the sap as it rubs off.

My first preference is an abrasive hand cleaner like Gojo or Boraxo, but I seem to have a slight allergy or other reaction to the latter.
Have friend that gets a very mild reaction the Orange Citrus based Gojo w/pumice, could just be the pumice abrasion that's the cause though.
Mayonaise . . . or any product using a vegetable based oil (canola, corn, olive, etc.) also will work quite well. I assume Miracle Whip would work as well . . . but I hate Miracle Whip. ;)
Who's knows!? What does it matter? If I can heat my house entirely with the stove using pine. With the BK I can control the heat output and have no fear of an overfire like the above posters have mentioned. I honestly don't see much of a difference with hardwood or soft, burning smoke is a wonderful thing! ::-)
Same here in the North of Ontario... burning jackpine smoke in my Blaze King almost equal to birch or maple ... only leaves ugly coals but lasts all night.
A good way to take pine sap off skin is running a bit of olive oil on it. Then soap and water. Presto.
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100% pine this year (about 4.5 cords worth). Stayed warm all winter. Most recent moisture readings in my pile are between 11-16%.
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While I was stacking my red oak today, I noticed a pine was blown over in the woods behind me. I think I’ll head over and clean it up today. It’ll be ready by fall if we get ever get some warm days.
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I've burnt quite a bit of Pine this winter.. a guy I know is renovating an old factory building and tore out a bunch of walls. They were built with two 2X4s nailed together. I cut them up into 15 inch or so lengths and originally I intended on keeping them for kindling but I got so many I figured i'd burn them as regular wood. I burned them straight or mixed them with hardwoods. A few in at a time.. they only burned for 10 minutes literally but burned hotter than hell.

I burn Pine, Boxelder, and sometimes even Cottonwood when I get it but I don't go out of my way to get it. There's just so much good hardwood laying around free for the picking. No hurry picking any of it up either.

I think the old "pine will give you a chimney fire" myth comes from people who have burnt wet wood and never clean their chimneys loading their stoves up with pine for whatever reason and getting a roaring fire going sparking off a chimney fire. Pine will create a very hot fire very quickly and some pine will spit a ton of sparks, a perfect way to ignite a dirty chimney. A clean chimney won't catch fire I don't care what you're burning.
Would you please stop using "pine" for all softwoods ? The bias is unacceptable for the other species used : spruces, hemlock, tamarack, cedars.
And "Miracle Whip" ? This is getting kinky. From a firefighter ! ()
While I was stacking my red oak today, I noticed a pine was blown over in the woods behind me. I think I’ll head over and clean it up today. It’ll be ready by fall if we get ever get some warm days.
Yeah, I just did that yesterday. Bucked up a fresh wind-fallen hemlock, also a conifer softwood. Not a lot of heat value, but it splits nicely and burns fine. I'll burn anything that burns when it's that handy. I need to fill up the empty space in my wood shelter from this season, so I'm out hunting.
Would you please stop using "pine" for all softwoods ? The bias is unacceptable for the other species used : spruces, hemlock, tamarack, cedars.
And "Miracle Whip" ? This is getting kinky. From a firefighter ! ()

Well it would seem Miracle Whip is good for something. :)
Anyone use Miracle Whip for a firestarter ?
Never heard of that one before...

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No Miracle Whip for me . . . good, ol' fashioned mayonaise.
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